

How to distinguish microfiber towels

1. Appearance and feel:
Observe whether the surface of the towel is smooth and delicate. Microfiber towels usually have good gloss, feel soft and elastic.
Rub gently with your hands. If you feel roughness or lumps, it may be mixed with other fibers or inferior products.
2. Water absorption test:
Drop a small drop of water on the towel. If the water drop is quickly absorbed, it indicates that the towel has good water absorption. Microfiber towels should be able to completely absorb water within a few seconds.
For larger water drops or pools, microfiber towels should also be able to absorb quickly instead of letting water droplets stay on the surface.
3. Drying speed:
Hang up the wet microfiber towel and observe how fast it dries. Compared with cotton towels, microfiber towels should dry faster.
Comparison of drying speed is also an indicator to test whether the towel is a high-quality microfiber.

4. Lint test:
Newly purchased microfiber towels should be washed once before use to remove loose fibers that may be attached during the manufacturing process.
Observe whether there is obvious lint shedding during use. High-quality microfiber towels should have little or no lint shedding.
5. Labels and packaging:
Check the label of the towel to confirm whether its ingredients are marked as microfiber or a specific synthetic fiber ratio, such as a blend of polyester and nylon.
Microfiber towels produced by regular manufacturers usually have clear product information, including brand, material composition, washing instructions, etc.
6. Burning test (use with caution):
If conditions permit and you are familiar with this method, you can test its material by burning a small piece of towel. Microfiber is usually synthetic fiber, which will melt when burned, and the smell is similar to that of burning plastic.
Note that this method should be performed under safe conditions and is not a recommended daily inspection method.

Post time: Sep-26-2024