

Misunderstandings and precautions when wiping your car yourself:

1. Before washing the car, remove the dust from the car. Many friends do not use a high-pressure water gun when washing their cars. Instead, they use a small bucket filled with water to wash their cars. If you belong to this type of car wash friend, then before washing the car, be sure to clean up as much dust as possible from the car. In this way, you can reduce your workload, and secondly, you can avoid the car body being too dusty and scratching the car body during the scrubbing process.

2. The water pressure must be properly controlled when washing the car. For those who have semi-professional car washing tools such as high-pressure water guns, there is also a problem, that is, when washing the car, the water pressure must be controlled. As the saying goes, “a drop of water will wear away a stone”. If the water pressure is too high, it will definitely cause damage to the car body.

3. Use professional detergents when washing your car. Friends who have washed a car must know that even with a high-pressure water gun, it is difficult to clean the car with clean water. So car washing requires professional cleaners. But many friends like to use daily cleaning products such as laundry detergent instead of professional car cleaning agents. Although these substitutes can indeed temporarily clean the car, due to their different compositions and pH levels, they will cause irreversible damage to the car body.

4. Use professional wiping tools when washing your car. Many friends carry a bucket of water, a bag of washing powder, and a rag and go to wash the car. This seems very chic, but it is actually very undesirable. In addition to using professional detergents for car washing, rags should not be taken casually. Because the rag is wiped back and forth on the car body, if it is not suitable, it will damage the car body.


5. Do not just wash the car body. Many car wash friends just wash the car body once and then finish it. In fact, this is a very bad habit. Washing the car body is of course important to make the car body look beautiful, but that’s all. The most important thing when washing a car is to clean the chassis, window seams, door seams, sunroof and other easily overlooked parts. If there is too much dust in these parts, it will cause corrosion of the car and failure to open the windows. So when washing a car, you can’t just wash the body, you have to take care of the details.

6. There are methods to clean bird droppings. Some people get a headache when they see bird droppings on the car and simply don’t touch it; others use a rag to directly wipe the dried bird droppings. These practices are unscientific and will damage the car body. When there is bird droppings on the car, clean it up in time. If it is not cleaned up and the bird droppings dry and harden, you cannot scrub them directly at this time. Instead, cover the bird droppings with a piece of paper or a piece of cloth, then pour water and detergent to soak the bird droppings until soft. , and then wipe it off gently. This will prevent the car’s paint from being wiped off when wiping bird poop.

7. Don’t wash your car under the hot sun in summer. In summer, the sun is strong and the temperature is high. When washing your car in the summer, after wiping your car with water, a water film will form. This layer of water, which seems to evaporate quickly, can gather sunlight in an instant, causing the local temperature of the car to rise rapidly, burning the car and causing damage to the car’s paint surface.

8. Although car washing is good, there is a limit to everything. Don’t wash your car too frequently to avoid unnecessary damage. When washing your car yourself, you should pay attention to factors such as weather and water temperature to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Post time: May-28-2024